I am yesterday.
I am today.
I am a piece
of chocolate cake
in the slimy mucus
of my belly.
I am a leaning-to-ward.
A desire.
I am hands.
A body accepting.
I am a yellow tang.
A lionfish.
Darting among
A sinking ship.
I am a girl-friend.
I am a mother.
I am the couch beneath me.
A Friday night movie.
I am Gollum
I am the murky lake.
A body submerged.
I am Sam.
I am a garden.
The seeds, raspberries
brown-edged tomato leaves.
A flitting bird.
Landing on splintered fence.
Taking stock.
Beady eyes scan morning wilds.
I am labor.
Three children.
Crying, screaming, running
against the pain.
Against a hard body.
I am the Norwegian winter.
Air that hits me like
a memory I want to own.
To hold in the clutch of my fist
like a toddler with
a rock she found on her
very first trek in the woods.
"I find rock."
She says, swinging arms this way and that.
I am left behind.
I am the orchid I want to send to you.
I am the soil beneath my feet.
I am a teenager in love.
Learning a new language.
I am the airport
between the here and there.
I am a middle-aged woman
Learning to love a new way.
The source from within
Flows out like a river
I am.
A surprise.
A spring that bubbles up from
fractured earth.
I am tears.
I am laughter.
I am feathered hair.
Cut off jeans on a
banana seat bicycle.
I am reciting the states and capitals
I am trembling.
I am a woman
who sips Bourbon
on the rocks.
Who finds -
Goldenrods delightful
on a walk in late fall.
Pulled along by the love
of a dog.
We ALL shall
emerging in
As I already experienced Heaven
at 15 as a NearDeathExperiencer,
lemme tella youse summoe
without d'New Joisey axent
wot2Xperience in d'starry sky
Fyoo wannum. Who?
WhoDya think, babe?
● nrg2xtc.blog
● MissHoursNours.blogspot.com ●
Cya soon, ya gorgeous wildflower...